Speaking to the Heart

“When you find yourself cocooned in isolation and you cannot find your way out of darkness…. Remember, this is similar to the place where caterpillars go to grow their wings”. -Necole Stephens

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I speak to these dear women about this new season in their lives, where they are set free and can fly as high as they dream…
A butterfly set free from its chrysalis.

I use this analogy often. I always saw myself in the stages of change—pain first, then, as healing is introduced, my colors become brighter. Soon, I’d be free to fly as high as I could. Often during events with ladies, as I tell pieces of my story, this analogy helps them find themselves in the process of change. I challenge them to identify which changes need to occur within them—the things that keep them cocooned, unable to fly. I talk with them about their identity in Christ, as a beloved daughter of God, and how He desires to see them experience His light and His peace so they can soar in His love and freedom.

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“Read this amazing book and learn how, against all odds, Analee overcame a life full of
brokenness by believing and trusting in Christ Jesus”. - Jungu Olobia

“Lea este asombroso libro y aprenda cómo, contra viento y marea, Analee superó una
vida llena de quebrantamiento creyendo y confiando en Cristo Jesús" – Jungu Olobia

Through twenty years of working with victims of domestic violence, Emily’s Place understands how powerful it is when a victim shares her story and what an inordinate amount of faith and courage it takes!  When Analee shared her heartbreaking story with the clients of Emily’s Place, it resonated deeply with our community and served as a powerful inspiration!  Analee is a champion of empowering women through her deep love of our Father, unrelentless optimism, and fierce determination.  God uses Analee to change lives each and every day!

Brynn Bruno, Executive Director of Emily’s Place

A través de veinte años de trabajo con víctimas de violencia doméstica, Emily's Place comprende cuán poderoso es cuando una víctima comparte su historia y ¡cuánta fe y coraje se necesitan! Cuando Analee compartió su desgarradora historia con los clientes de Emily's Place, resonó profundamente en nuestra comunidad y sirvió como una poderosa inspiración. Analee es una campeona del empoderamiento de las mujeres a través de su profundo amor por nuestro Padre, su implacable optimismo y su feroz determinación. ¡Dios usa a Analee para cambiar vidas todos los días! 

Brynn Bruno, Directora Ejecutiva de Emily’s Place